Thursday, June 29, 2006


  • Suited to C/C++ developer roles which entail design, implementation and testing of a product.
  • Senior Software developer with vast experience in the Control Systems environment, keen to enter Telecoms industry.
  • Core developer role interfacing hardware and software to each other in a real-time environment, primarily on Windows platform (SCADA/HMI PLC and other Communication interfaces).
  • Mission-critical applications and component-based architectures are my strong suite.
  • Capable of using a range or technologies based on a solid understanding of networking protocols and media types, and using them in various client-server scenarios.
  • Electrical background and interests in hardware architecture in relation to high-speed and system reliability computing.

1 comment:

zmrcic said...

I sow your post, or more like questions on codeproject concerning TAPI....
I have same problem....since that post is old, have zou come up with some kind of solution....
